Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Music video of the Week

Group: Arrested Development- Mr. Wendal
Year: 1992
Album:3 Years, 5 Months & 2 Days in the Life Of....

Have you seen me?

Remember to be really cool you had to have a pocket full of coins. Remember beeper bill payment centers. Can any one tell me the code for I miss you (lol)? Beepers died when the cost of cell phones went down and then came texting. So we say farewell to you beeper and give you a proper burial.

Chef Cereal

In 1992  there was a most delicious cereal called Croonchy Stars. The cereal was based on the little known Muppet character called the Swedish Chef. I remember my sister and I would fight over this cereal. Why do they always have to get rid of the good things? Watch commercial below.

Monday, April 25, 2011

This Weeks Remember that

Slap racelets or Snap bracelet

When I bring up the name there is sure to be someone grabbing there risk in agony. Whether your memories are  good or bad you gotto love this fad. Popular during the late 80's early 90's.

The fight of the Century Arnold Vs. Webster

In the left corner we have Arnold and in the right we have Webster.

                       Arnold                                                  Webster

Height:         4 ft 8 in (1.42 m),                                  4 ft 3 in (1.30 m)               Winner Arnold

Sitcom:         8 Seasons                                             6 Seasons                         Winner Arnold

Theme Song: "It Takes Diff'rent Strokes"                  "Then Came You"               Winner Arnold
                    ( Theme song was Co written by Alan Thicke)

Parents:         Upper Class Parents                           Upper Class Parents              Tie

Network:       NBC                                                   ABC                                  Winner  Webster

The Show: One of the most Iconic shows from the 80's     Often hail as a ripoff of Diff' rent Strokes        Winner Arnold

After the show: Gary Coleman had heart ache after heart ache     Emmanual Lewis enjoyed a semi succeful career      Winner Webster

 Catchphrase: "What'chu talkin' about, Willis?"              None                                 Winner Arnold

                                                             The Winner


And the Winner is  Arnold

Nintendo Nes is still my gaming system!!!!

I still remember it like yesterday, Christmas 1985 when I got my first Nes system. It came with super Mario brothers and duck hunt combo. Flash forward  26 years later, yes 26 years later and now we have the wii. So my question asked is the original still relevant today? And my personal opinion yes it will never die out. With games like Zelda, Donkey Kong, and Tetris it virtually ruined a lot of us for new technology counsels. I'll take 8 bits any day over what ever there offering today. (Fill free to comment)